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Tag Archives: Dummy

How to play dummy

 How to play dummy

After knowing the basic rules Let’s see how the dummy plays.  First of all, let one player deal cards. by looking at how many players in the card circle to deal cards according to the following numbers If there are 2 players, 11 cards are dealt each. If there are 3

How to count dummy points

How to count dummy points

The count of points is divided according to the card group as follows: The spateau card consists of 2♣Q♠, the highest value in the game is 50 points, except when it is in the head card, it is doubled worth 100 points. Every face H

Discarding dummy cards

Discarding dummy cards

whether online casino Or in the casino there will be a way to discard the cards as well. In which each discarded card will affect our points as follows. Discard the head. Suppose someone discards a card with no more than 2 numbers in the same suit. Or if it

Vocabulary to know before fighting dummy

Vocabulary to know before fighting dummy

At this point, I think no one would be interested in what the dummy has come from. Because the important part to keep in mind is the terms or words that they use in the playing cards. Anyone who doesn’t know or talks randomly knows that they