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How does eating protein help you lose weight?

          If you want to get in shape as you wish, protein is one of the factors that should not be overlooked because it helps in weight loss health as follows: Eating protein helps you feel fuller longer : Protein is a nutrient

What is Fast Egg?

Fast Egg is a keto weight loss method that. Focuses on eating eggs for 3-5 days and restricting carbohydrate intake to very little to the greatest extent possible to allow the body to enter ketosis food. A condition in which the body switches from burning sugar as

Drinking milk tea: Why is it a risk for kidney stones?

          As you know, milk tea not only contains a huge amount of sugar. But also contains certain nutrients that accelerate the formation of kidney stones health, including: Fructose  Fructose is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, putting extra strain on the kidneys and increasing the

Benefits of Tofu.

    Tofu is a healthy food that can be used in a variety of dishes. The most popular menu item right now is to fry tofu in an air fryer. Which raises the question: Is eating fried tofu fattening ? The reason why tofu is considered a healthy food is because

Smelly feet, what is the solution?

How to fix smelly feet? How to fix smelly feet? Let’s look at techniques to get rid of foot odor and unpleasant odors. Any guy who has a problem health with smelly feet should read this! 1. Keep clean. The best way to prevent foot

9 good benefits from "walnuts" for weight loss and cholesterol

9 good benefits from “walnuts” for weight loss and cholesterol

Cholesterol is the main cause of many different illnesses, including obesity. Fat clogs arteries. high blood pressure Coronary artery disease and many others, therefore controlling cholesterol in the body Therefore helping to make the body strong. Free from dozens of illnesses If we say that “walnuts” can help reduce cholesterol. And also provides various